Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is a cursary body. I will probably tweak it and put real textures on it after pre-vis. Sadly I did not have enough time to fully model or animate my person. I will have a full model within the summer. I am not apologetic about this. I would rather do something right and be slow...then do something I am unhappy with... of course... I am not satisfied with my animatic...but that's another story... Suffice to say that I want a certain level of quality for my Thesis so I amtaking advantage of the summer so I can fullfill that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

STyle AIm

This is the type of style and feel I am trying to aim for, for my character Tracy: I like her overall feel and design. I particularly like the shape and the texturing job. Since I am doing my character in NURBS I hope to aim for a character with a similar feel.